Anyone interested in promoting the cognitive-behavioral theoretical and therapeutic model and especially professionals engaged in research and treatment in the field of mental health can become members of the AACBT. A member of this association, at the same time a member of EABCT,  has the opportunity to collaborate with a large number of experts in the field of CBT, Participates in EABCT conferences at a reduced cost, receives the free newsletter of the Company and provides immediate information on European events in the field of cognitive-behavioral research and psychotherapy. In addition, it has priority to participate in the seminars organized by AACBT, as well as a participation discount. The annual membership fee is 30 Euros. 


AACBT offers three levels of membership:

1. "Expert Member " – is offered to one that has a PhD or master's degree at least, and from one of the following specialties: social worker, psychologist, psychiatrist, a medical doctor (MD), clinical criminologist, art therapist, and who completed a recognized CBT training course and meets all the requirements as set for “member” and “expert member“ by AACBT (see below).

2. "Member" – is offered to one who practices CBT in his profession - has at least a MA degree from a recognized institution of higher learning in: educational counseling, special education, communication disorders, occupational therapy, and nursing, and who completed a recognized CBT training course and meets all the requirements as set for “Members” by AACBT (see below).

3. AACBT Associate - is a professional in any of the above-mentioned professions who only partially meets the criteria for acceptance as a member of AACBT. On approval of the acceptance committee a professional in this category may at a later date upgrade their membership to one of the other categories. This category is open also to students in the aforementioned professions.

4. Special cases may be referred to acceptance committee.


Membership Requirements for the Categories of  "Expert Member" and “Member"

  1. Primary Use of CBT:
  2. This candidate use cognitive-behavioral therapy as their primary treatment or as one of their primary treatments.

  3. Course Requirements:
    • At least 150 hours of basic psychological processes
    • At least 150 hours of directly related to issues within CBT Some portion of these CBT courses will have been be taught in the context of a AACBT recognized CBT training program.
  4. Special training in CBT recognized by the AACBT:
  5. The period of training, including both the theoretical studies (as outlined in B. above) as well as the practicum (see D. below), and supervision (see E. below), will be no less than three years.
    The specialized courses in CBT will begin after completion of the MA or DIND (Integrated Old 4 years Diploma)., in accordance with the guidelines of the European Society EABCT. Details may be found on the EABCT website: / training.htm

  6. Treatment and evaluation under supervision (Practicum):
  7. Candidates are required to do at least 200 hours of CBT treatment under supervision after the completion of their degree

  8. Supervision:
    • Candidates must receive at least 100 hours of supervision for the 200 hours of CBT treatment (see above).
    • The supervision may be either individual or in groups of no more than 4 trainees Of these 100 hours of supervision, at least 25 hours must be individual. 50 hours of instruction may be given within the framework of the training program in CBT. The remaining hours of training may be received in one of the following two ways:
      25 hours individual + 35 group (group up to 4 participants)
      50 individual supervision

    • The 100 hours of supervision is to be provided by at least two different (AACBT recognized or equivalent) supervisors.
    • Candidates will be required treat at least 10 patients, diagnosed with at least three different types of disorders.
  9. Written case description: The candidate will be required to submit a written case description based upon the single case format.